
There isn’t any other book about the electrobus swindle. If you want to delve further into the murky world of Edwardian finance some of the best starting places are the books by David Kynaston and George Robb, and the chapter-length articles by Dilwyn Porter and James Taylor.
Julian Symons’s biography of Horatio Bottomley, one of the more notable fraudsters of the era, is an entertaining read while there is masterly survey of the development of transport in Philip Bagwell’s book.
For sheer audacity the exposé of Bucket Shop Methods stands in a class on its own. For the corporate author, Securities Exchange, was a well-known bucket shop. The bibliography below is a fuller version of the one that appears in the book.
Arthur, W Brian, The Nature of Technology: What It Is and How It Evolves, Allen Lane, 2009.
Bagwell, Philip, The Transport Revolution from 1770, Batsford, 1974.
Barker, Theodore (T C) and Michael Robbins, A History of London Transport, vol. 2, George Allen and Unwin, 1974.
Beavan, Arthur H, Tube, Train, Tram and Car; or Up-to-date Locomotion, Routledge, 1903.
Bose, Mihir and Cathy Gunn, Fraud, Unwin Hyman, 1989.
Brendon, Piers, The Motoring Century: The Story of the Royal Automobile Club, Bloomsbury, 1997.
Buchanan, Colin, Mixed Blessing, Leonard Hill, 1958.
Cummings, John, Railway Motor Buses and Bus Services, vol. 1, Oxford Publishing, 1978.
Day, John R, The Story of the London Bus, London Transport Executive, 1973.
Duguid, Charles, How to Read the Money Article, Effingham Wilson, 1901; seventh edition, Isaac Pitman and Sons, 1936.
Duncan, Herbert O, The World on Wheels, privately published, Paris, 1926.
Edge, Selwyn F, My motoring reminiscences, Foulis and Co, 1934.
Estorick, Eric, Stafford Cripps, William Heinemann, 1949.
Felstead, Sidney Theodore and Lady Muir, Sir Richard Muir, John Lane, 1927.
Felstead, Sidney Theodore, Horatio Bottomley, John Murray, 1936.
Fines, Ken, A History of Brighton and Hove, Phillimore, 2002.
Green, Benny, The Streets of London, Pavilion Books, 1983.
Gilbert, Michael, Fraudsters, Constable, 1986.
Haldane, Robert A, With Intent to Deceive, Blackwood, 1970.
Harris, Frank, My Life and Loves, originally published in Paris, 1922–27, Corgi Books, 1967.
Harrison, A E, “Joint Stock Company Flotation in the Cycle, Motor-vehicle and Related Industries, 1882-1914”, Business History, vol. 23, 1981.
Hess, Alan, Wheels Round the World, Newman Neame, 1951.
Hess, Henry, Half-forgotten frauds, British and Colonial Publications, 1900.
Hess, Henry, The Critic Black Book, British and Colonial Publications, 1901.
Hibbs, John, History of British Bus Services, David and Charles, 1989.
Hill, John Jr, The Gold Bricks of Speculation, Lincoln Book Concern, 1904.
Hooley, Ernest Terah, Hooley’s Confessions, Simkin Marshall, 1925.
Hooley, Ernest Terah, The Hooley Book, John Dicks, 1904.
Hunter, David L G, Edinburgh’s Transport, vol. 1, Mercat Press, 1992.
Huntford, Roland, Shackleton, Hodder and Stoughton, 1985.
Kaye, David, British Battery Electric Buses, Oakwood Press, 1976.
Keats, John, The Insolent Chariots, J P Lippincott, 1958.
Joly, Laurent, “La délation antisémite sous l’Occupation”, Vingtième Siècle, Revue d’histoire, Octobre 2007.
Kidner, Roger W, The London Motor Bus, Oakwood Press, 1968.
Kingsmill, Hugh (pen name of Hugh Kingsmill Lunn), Frank Harris, John Lehmann, 1949.
Kirsch, David A, The Electric Vehicle and the Burden of History, Rutgers University Press, 2000.
Klapper, Charles, The Golden Age of Buses, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984.
Kynaston, David, The City of London, vol. 2, Pimlico, 1995.
Lee, Charles, The Early Motor Bus, London Transport, 1974.
Loubet, Jean-Louis, Histoire de l’Automobile Française, Seuil, 2001.
Maclean, Magnus, Modern Electric Practice, vol. 4, Gresham Publishing Company, about 1909.
Masterman, Charles F G, The Condition of England, Methuen & Co, 1911.
Marjoribanks, Edward, The Life of Sir Edward Marshall Hall, Victor Gollancz, 1930.
Maurer, David W, The Big Con, Century Random House, 1999.
Mayhew, Alfred, Mayhew’s What’s What in the City, Mayhew’s Financial Publications, 1913.
Mayhew, Alfred, Mayhew’s Who’s who in Finance, privately published, 1912.
Meredith, Hubert A, The Drama of Making Money, Sampson Low Marston, 1931.
Mom, Gijs, The Electric Vehicle, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.
Murphy, Thomas D, British Highways and Byways from a Motor Car, L C Page, 1908.
Morris, Colin, Southdown, vol. 1, Venture Publications, 1994.
Murray, Hugh, “Electrobuses in York”, York Historian, vol. 9, 1990.
Nicholls, Ernest, Crime within the Square Mile, John Long, 1935.
Nicholson, Timothy R, Adventurer’s Road, Cassell, 1957.
Nicholson, Timothy R, The Trailblazers, Cassell, 1958.
Nicholson, Timothy R, Wild Roads, Jarrolds, 1969.
Nystrom, Elsa A, Mad for Speed, McFarland, 2013.
O’Hagan, Osborne, Leaves from my Life, John Lane, 1929.
Pageant of the Century, Odham’s Press, 1933.
Pearson, Hesketh, Labby, the Life of H Labouchere, Hamish Hamilton, 1945.
Plowden, William, The Motor Car and Politics in Britain, Penguin, 1973.
Porter, Dilwyn, ‘A Trusted Guide of the Investing Public’, in Speculators and Patriots, edited by R P T Davenport-Hines, Frank Cass, 1986.
Porter, Dilwyn, ‘Speciousness is the Bucketeer’s Watchword and Outrageous Effrontery his Capital’, in Cultures of Selling, edited by John Benson and Laura Ugolini, Ashgate, 2006.
Pratt, Edwin A, A History of Inland Transport and Communication in England, Kegan Paul, 1912.
Pullar, Philippa, Frank Harris, Penguin, 2001.
Ratcliffe, Samantha, Horse Transport in London, Tempus Publishing, 2005.
Rees Jeffreys, William, The King’s Highway, Batchworth, 1949.
Reid, Carlton, Roads Were Not Built for Cars, Front Page Creations, 2014.
Robb, George, White-Collar Crime in Modern England, Cambridge University Press, 1992.
Saul, S B, “The Motor Industry in Britain to 1914”, Business History, vol. 5, 1962.
Schiffer, Michael Brian, Taking Charge, Smithsonian Books, 1994.
Securities Exchange, Bucket Shop Methods, Securities Exchange Ltd, 1912.
Simonis, H, The street of Ink, Cassell, 1917.
Sommerfield, Vernon, London’s Buses, The St Catherine Press, 1933.
Sparrow, Gerald, The Great Swindlers, John Long, 1959.
Symons, Julian, Horatio Bottomley, House of Stratus, 2001.
Taylor, James, “Watchdogs or Apologists? Financial Journalism and company fraud in early Victorian Britain”, Historical Research, vol. 85, November 2012.
Tenax (pseudonym for Edward Bell), The Gentle Art of Exploiting Gullibility, David Weir, 1923.
Thorold, Peter, The Motoring Age 1896–1939, Profile Books, 2003.
Tobin, A I and Elmer Gertz, Frank Harris, Haskill House, 1970.
Trollope, Anthony, The Way We Live Now, Chapman and Hall, 1875.
Warren, Henry, The modern bucket shop, Everett, 1906.
Wells, H G, Experiment in Autobiography, Gollancz, 1934.
Wells, H G, Tono-Bungay, Macmillan, 1909.
Worby Beaumont, William, Industrial Electric Vehicles, Griffin, 1920.
Other useful works include the Dictionary of Business Biography, the Directory of Directors, the Manual of Electrical Undertakings, the Statistical Abstract for London, the Stock Exchange Yearbook and the Truth Cautionary List, published annually as a supplement to Truth from 1908 to 1913.